
Showing posts from 2014

Valeria in Runequest 6

Icons - The Librarian

Icons - The Beggar King

Icons - The Inquisitor

Icons - The Varangian

Icons - The Green and the Gold

Icons - The Mourning Bride

Icons - The Ashen Emperor

Icons - The Green Knight

Icons - The Eternal Emperor

Icons - The Prophet


Valeria, Dungeon Crawl Classics Style

Episode 2.1: A Dwarf Walks Into a Bar...

Time to kill the character that we just made...

And the FATE Freeport Version...

Valeria, 13th Age Version Character Sheet

The Celestial Empire and the Green and the Gold

Some World Building

What is a campaign without a map?

In the spirit of Gamer ADD, we now play D&D, instead of Covert Ops...