MIDDLE EARTH SYSTEMS - PART 3: Adventures in Middle Earth

 Adventures in Middle Earth

AiME is a heavy modification of 5e, but with enough tweaks to make it its own. Long Rests become a rarity that may only be taken in areas of true safety (i.e. not on the road). Short rests are also a bit of a lengthier affair, and a social mechanic and travel mechanic have also been introduced.

Most of the classes presented have 5e counterparts, but traditional mages and clerics do not exist. The Scholar class brings in lore and negotiation skills as well as some limited ‘magic’ at much higher levels.

It is a much grittier experience overall, and a very good implementation of 5e concepts.

We will use the AiME version of the pregens used in The One Ring example. 

Lifstan and Carinthir have been tracking three Snaga Trackers, arguably the weakest and laziest of orc-kind, that have been scouting some farmsteads in the area.

Caranthir rolls Nature, and gets a 13, and has a +2, beating the difficulty required. The Snaga are spotted, and initiative is rolled.

Caranthir: 20

Lifstan: 8

Snaga 1: 9

Snaga 2: 6

Snaga 3: 19

Round 1

They start 20 feet apart, with ample cover should it be desired.

Caranthir fires her bow at Snaga 1, hitting for 7 damage, killing it, she then moves behind Lifstan.

Snaga 3 moves forward and strikes at Lifstan, his shield easily deflecting its knife.

Lifstan strikes at the Snaga that charged him, bit his spear meets air.

Snaga 2 shoots at Lifstan, but misses.

Round 2

Caranthil fires back at the Snaga with the bow, scores a crit and kills it.

Snaga 3 manages to find a gap in Lifstan’s armor inflicting 5 damage

Lifstan strikes back, also crits and skewers the orc with his spear.


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