Twilight 2000 4e Alpha Rules Combat
Major Flynn Allen and Private Joe "J-Square" Johnson were it. Yesterday their battalion was racing to engage Soviet forces as part of Operation Reset, and today they were hiding in a formerly quite nice country home in the Polish countryside. Flynn was keeping watch while Joe got some shut-eye when she noticed three armed individuals moving down the road. They appeared to be searching the homes in the area, whether for survivors of the battle, or to loot supplies she did not know.
Characters in Twilight 2K have Attributes and Skills rated from A to F. A corresponds to a d12, and it steps down to D which is a d6. If you have a skill of F, you have no die type. To roll a check, a character rolls the Attribute and Skill dice. A roll of 6 is a success, a 10 is two successes.
The Major rolls a d10 for her Intelligence of B and a d6 for her Recon of D. She gets a 10 on one die which gives her 2 successes so she noticed the Soviets. The Soviet would normally roll two d8s, but this is stepped down due to their target's hiding, and they get one success. In this case the Soviets are unaware of their presence at the moment.
Modifiers are rare, but when they occur, it involves stepping up or down the die used.
The Major has a Specialty of Intelligence which allows her to get stats of any unit she picks up via Recon. In this case , she knows that these are Soviet Infantry, and will each hae an AK-74 with one reload and steel helmets. She also knows that they have Ranged Combat C and relatively decent physical attributes.

The Major quietly kicks Joe awake, and they plan to watch the Soviets and only engage if they get close. They have several grenades but Flynn only has a sidearm, leaving Joe the only one with a rifle.
The Soviets move closer, two remaining outside while one soldier enters the house next to them. Realizing that it is only a matter of time before they are discovered, they engage.
We are assuming for Initiative that Major and Joe pulled off an Ambush. Initiative is handled via cards (1 to 10). If you succeed in a surprise or ambush, you take the top cards (eg. Two successful ambushers means they get #1 and #2.)
The Soviets draw, but given it is an Ambush we will just have Soviet 1, 2 and 3 representing their turn order. It is also possible to swap initiative each turn, and we will deal with that if it makes sense.
Major goes first using a slow action to throw a grenade out the window hoping to catch Soviet 1 and Soviet 2. It is assumed the default fast action is 'aiming', if you perform a Ranged attack without doing so, you suffer a -2 penalty as you are performing a quick shot. With grenades, you don't Aim, but your Fast Action is pulling the pin.
Major has Range Combat of C (d8) and Agility of C (d8). However she has elevation advantage, so she steps up the dice and rolls a d10 and a d8.
She gets one success which is all that she needs. Grenades have a damage rating of 2, and a Blast Radius of C. Blasts do full damage in their hex, and step down for each surrounding hex.
This is why grenades are also called 'defensive weapons'... You use them from behind solid cover because they can cause damage to a radius exceeding what a normal person can throw them.
Soviet 1 and 2 are in the Full Blast Area, Soviet 3 is in the secondary blast range.
The grenade gets 1 success, meaning each of the NPCs take 2 damage, Soviet 3 does not take anything from the blast, but the house would probably have absorbed it.
Hit locations are rolled for damage to see where primary impact was. This is important primarily due to Armor.
The blast hits Soviet 1 in the Torso, and Soviet 2 in the head. Fortunately Soviet 2 has a steel helmet dropping this to 1 damage.
Soviet 2 is down to 4 Hits, and is suppressed and knocked down.
Soviet 1 has no armor, and the damage meets the critical threshold, so we roll a 1d10 on the Torso chart... The blast has cracked his spine. This is a lethal injury if not addressed, and he is blown to the ground and is immobile. He is a 'mission kill' at this point.
Joe opens up on Soviet 2 who is currently on his ass with his ears ringing. Joe is using an M16A2, he goes to town and uses the full rate of fire of 3. What this means mechanically is that in addition to his Attribute and Skill, he rolls 1d6 for each ROF he uses. A 6 counts as another hit, but NOT a success. The sum of the ammo dice also note how many rounds were expended, and if he misses with his attribute and skill dice, but hits with the ammo dice, he can still suppress the target.
Joe has a Ranged Skill of B(d10) and Agility of B(d10). His Rifleman ability lets him step up the dice once, elevation advantage step up again, no change for range, but -2 because the target is prone and not right next to him. This nets out to no change, so he will roll d10, d10 and 3d6.
He gets 2 successes on his skill dice, and nothing on the ammo dice. Fortunately he only expended 5 rounds, leaving 25 in the magazine.
Apparently he hit Soviet 2 in the legs for 2 points base + 1for the additional success. This is enough to trigger a critical , which in this case is Arterial Bleeding that will become lethal in a Stretch of time. Running is a slow action, and he is down to 1 Hit and is still down and suppressed.
Soviet 2 uses his Slow and Fast actions to crawl into the same house as Soviet 3.
Soviet 3 moves to the doorframe (Fast Action) and opens fire at Joe with his AK. He didn't aim so he is -2, but does still have cover.
I believe that you step up/down skill dice first.. This drops him to only rolling a d8 plus his ROF of 5.
This is dangerous as mishaps happen on double ones, or a single one if you are not rolling skill, which he is not due to penalties.
Soviet 3 lands one success and one hit on his ammo dice. He could walk fire to the Major, but both hits are going to Joe as that is the visible shooter. He also burns 20 rounds in the process...
Both hits are to the Torso which is good as he has 2 pts of cover and 1 point for his flak jacket fully protecting him from the two hits. He has to roll a CUF (Coolness Under Fire check, which he fails.) Joe drops prone and takes 1 point of stress.
At the end of the first round, two of the Soviets are effectively crippled and dying, Joe got the wind knocked out of him, and the remaining Soviet is down to 1/3 of his magazine.
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