Mythic D6: Suicide Squad Savant


Savant  Power Level 3 (125 points)

(Brian Durlin)

Archetype: Outsider

Savvy: Outsiders are excellent at reading a situation.  PER, she may double the Skill level of any PER + skill roll.
Concept Penalty The Outsider adds 2D to the Aggravation Pool when they trust those in authority without checking the angles.

Coordination 4D Knowledge 7D
Perception 3D Physique 3D
Presence 2D Reflex 3D

WealthRating 4D

Skills: Athletics 2D, Resistance 1D, Movement 1D, Fighting 2D, Ranged Fighting 4D,Evasion 1D, Thievery 2D, Scholar 4D, Technical 4D (Spec: Hacking x2)




External: Suicide Squad Member 2D

Internal: Coward. 2D

External: Old 1D


Know-It-All: pg.78

  PD: 1 PDV: 1 BDV: 2 HeroPoints: 4 StressPoints: 32

Equipment: Pistol. Body Armor, tennis ball


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