Worlds Without Number: Hobbit Origin Foci

Hobbits are a short, mirthful lot who take great pleasure in the ‘simple things’. While they are a hospitable folk, they are suspicious of strangers, particularly disreputable adventurer types..
Hobbits also  have an unfortunate, and completely undeserved reputation for having an unusually lax appreciation of property rights.

Level 1
Gain Sneak as a bonus skill. Once per session, a Hobbit may ‘excuse themselves’ from the scene. Nobody will notice their absence for at least one round or one turn.
Hobbits have an inherent +1 to Mental Saves.
Unfortunately, due to their small stature, Hobbits are unable to wield two handed melee weapons or large bows, and longswords become two-handed weapons.

Level 2
The Mental Save bonus becomes +4. Sneak checks may be re-rolled once per day.
