Let's Make a Character: Shadow of the Demon Lord Part III

When we left off, Amanda Crowley had gone from a precocious teen cult member to a full blown mistress of the Dark Arts and assassination.

She is starting to manifest some physical signs of her corruption as well...

Name: Amanda Crowley
Ancestry: Human
Novice: Magician
Expert: Assassin
Wealth: Comfortable
Level: 5
Strength 9(-1), Agility 11(+0),Intellect 13(+3), Will 12(+12)
Perception 14, Defense 11, Health 18, Healing Rate 4
Size 1/2, Speed 10, Power 3, Corruption 3
Languages: Common, Dark Speech (Literate)
Professions: Charlatan, Scholar: Occult
Necromancy*: Hide from the Undead(4), Spectral Grasp(4), Grave Grasp(2), Bone Splinters(1), Cannibalize Magic(1)
Arcana: Magic Dart(4), Arcane Armor(4)
Divination: Eavesdrop(4), Epiphany(4), Truth Ear(1)
Misc: Sense Magic(4)
Talents: Cantrip, Spell Recovery,Assassinate, Quick Reflexes, Disguise Expertise,Determined,Counterspell
Mark of Darkness: Silver Pentagram on Forehead.

Level 6 Assassin:

At level 6 PCs get some more features from their Expert path selection.

Characteristics: Health +3
Manufacture Poison: Basically Amanda may now create poisons with an Alchemists kit. Popular
at parties.

Level 7 Master Path Selection:

At level 7, PCs select one of 64 options for their 'Master Path'. We are going to choose 'Necromancer' as Amanda's destiny is a dark one.

Attributes: Increase three by 1 (Will +1, Intellect +1, Agility +1)
Characteristics: Health +1 , Power +1
Languages and Profession: We choose to have her learn Elvish. Given her Magician background
this also means she can read Elvish.
Magic: Amanda learns a necromancy Spell 'Seal the Underworld's gates' and swaps True Ear for Animate Corpse.

Given the number of dark magic spells she has she is guaranteed another point of Corruption,although she doesn't get a new mark of Darkness, she now makes social interaction rolls with one bane and children may cry around her.

Inured to Death: Immune to disease and poison, and can roll the fate die one more time when incapacitated. 
Command Undead: Learns the Command Undead spell

This is what Amanda looks like at level 7

 Name: Amanda Crowley
Ancestry: Human
Novice: Magician
Expert: Assassin
Master: Necromancer
Wealth: Comfortable
Level: 7
Strength 9(-1), Agility 12(+2),Intellect 14(+4), Will 13(+13)
Perception 14, Defense 12, Health 22, Healing Rate 5
Size 1/2, Speed 10, Power 4, Corruption 4
Languages: Common(Literate), Dark Speech (Literate),Elvish(Literate)
Professions: Charlatan, Scholar: Occult
Necromancy*: Hide from the Undead(5), Spectral Grasp(5), Animate Corpse(2),Grave Grasp(2), Bone Splinters(1), Cannibalize Magic(1), Seal the Underworld's Gates(1)
Arcana: Magic Dart(5), Arcane Armor(5)
Divination: Eavesdrop(5), Epiphany(5)
Misc: Sense Magic(5), Command Undead(2)
Talents: Cantrip,Spell Recovery,Assassinate,Quick Reflexes, Disguise Expertise,Determined,Counterspell,Manufacture Poison, Inured to Death
Mark of Darkness: Silver Pentagram on Forehead, Social Interactions with 1 Bane... May scare children.

Level 8 Master Magician:

Characteristics: Health +2
Magic: Amanda gains another spell or another tradition... Amanda's experience as an assassin has given her a slow to realize appreciation for Shadow magic, so she chooses that tradition and gets two level 0 spells: Nightfall Blade and Wall of Darkness.
Improved Spell Recovery: Spell Recovery recovers two castings instead of one.

Level 9 Master Assassin:

Characteristics: Health +3
Killer's Eye: Essentially allows you to get a boon on all attacks versus a creature you choose and add 2d6 damage... With some restrictions.

Level 10 Necromancer:

Characteristics: Health +2
Magic: Amanda learns one spell Black Bolts of the Underworld.
Master of Undeath: Double the number of undead Amanda can control... Also they all attack with 1 boon and do 2d6 extra damage.

Amanda started as a teen member of a cult that was bilking good people out of their money for
false hope. She murdered a crusader that would have killed one of her fellow cultists...

His book collection opened her eyes to a wider... and darker world.

Youthful experimentation turned into a lifetime of accruing dark and darker magics... her cult
growing from a small circle of friends to movement whose members would never escape Amanda even in death as she would just call them back...

Here she is at level 10:

 Name: Amanda Crowley
Ancestry: Human
Novice: Magician
Expert: Assassin
Master: Necromancer
Wealth: Comfortable
Level: 10
Strength 9(-1), Agility 12(+2),Intellect 14(+4), Will 13(+13)
Perception 14, Defense 12, Health 29, Healing Rate 5
Size 1/2, Speed 10, Power 4, Corruption 4
Languages: Common(Literate), Dark Speech (Literate),Elvish(Literate)
Professions: Charlatan, Scholar: Occult
Necromancy*: Hide from the Undead(5), Spectral Grasp(5), Animate Corpse(2),Grave Grasp(2), Bone Splinters(1), Cannibalize Magic(1), Seal the Underworld's Gates(1)
Arcana: Magic Dart(5), Arcane Armor(5)
Divination: Eavesdrop(5), Epiphany(5)
Shadow: Nightfall Blade(5),Wall of Darkness(5), Black Bolts of the Underworld(1)
Misc: Sense Magic(5), Command Undead(2)
Talents: Cantrip,Spell Recovery,Assassinate,Quick Reflexes, Disguise Expertise,Determined,Counterspell,Manufacture Poison, Inured to Death,Improved Spell Recovery, Killer's Eye, Master of Undeath
Mark of Darkness: Silver Pentagram on Forehead, Social Interactions with 1 Bane... May scare children.


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